Experience native look of Aero Glass interface on Windows 8
This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames
This utility returns the complete glass effect into windows frames
Aero Glass diperkenalkan pertama kali di Windows Vista [My
Favourite OS ever] , dan juga digunakan oleh windows 7. Tetapi di windows 8
fitur aero glass di remove oleh microsoft. Tentunya agan pernah berpikir kenapa
di windows 8 tidak ada tema aero nya lagi? Padahal di windows 8 release preview
[beta tester pasti tau] masih ada aero, alasannya hemat battery tapi gak semua
pake laptop kan. Hehehe. . . :-D
From website (www.glass8.eu)
- Apply glass look to windows borders
- Blur the content behind the borders to improve UI experience
- Change amount of transparency in Control panels directly
- Change inactive windows borders color
- Skin windows borders (add glow, shadows etc.) without changing Windows theme
- Fully native including MSStyle themes and DWM API compatibility
- Low resources usage
Pilih sesuai basic Windows agan. 32 bit atau 64 bit. DOWNLOAD DISINI
Sesuaikan dengan jenis windows agan. Jangan sampai tertukar setup nya
[misal tools versi windows 8 diinstall di 8.1, dijamin gak work dan akan muncul
pesan error di proses logon. Hehehe. . . :-)
Untuk mengatur settingan aero, pake tool ini :-)
Windows 8
Windows 8.1 Update 1
Semoga bermanfaat ya gan :-)
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon